Archived News:
12/8/2023 CEG Presents: CEGCON24
As exam week is upon us CEG Admins are prepping for the next big event....
CEGCON24 being held on February 10th 2024 from 10:00am till 9:00pm in the David L. Eisler rm202 for 100 attendee Bring Your Own Computer FREE LAN event! This event will celebrate our 20 years of enthusiasm and we hope you will be able to join us!
Signups/Registration will open on December 10th 2023 at 8:00pm EST

10/7/2023 CEG Presents: FALLOUT LAN that the weather is more in line for what we expect this time to be...CEG proudly announces our "FallOut LAN" October 28th 2023 Arts and Science Commons 1008 with only 40 seats available. Like all CEG LANs this event is FREE to everyone. Stay inside for a 12 hour FALL experience where PSLs are welcome to keep your hands warm while the fragging will be intense.
Signups/Registration will open on October 8th 2023 at 8:00pm EST
Hope to see you all there.
3/9/2023 Photos Posted!!
Check out all the great photos snapped during CEGCON 2023!
3/9/2023 CEGCON2023 Thanks all the Sponsors
Please welcome back ASRock as a CEGCON 2023 sponsor! They have sent not one but two Z790 motherboards, jackets, t-shirts, and more!
Please check them out at and thank them for their continued support!
Our friends at be quiet! are supporting CEGCON 2023 with a PureBase 500fx, a 3 pack of Light Wings 120mm RGB fans, a Dark Rock 4 CPU cooler, and a Pure Power 11 750W PSU!
Please check them out at and thank them for their support on social media!
Long time CEG supporters GAMDIAS are back for CEGCON 2023 with some great PC components and peripherals to round out your setup!
Please visit them at and thank them for their support!
Our friends at Ice Giant was gracious enough to provide us another ProSiphon Elite CPU cooler for CEGCON 2023!
Please check them out at and thank them for their support!
Frequent CEG sponsor In Win hooked us up with a 303 Green Mid Tower Chassis and a SR24 240 mm AIO for CEGCON 2023!
Please check them out at and thank them for their continued support!
The ever supportive Justin at is sending us two keyboards and a mouse for CEGCON 2023!
Please check them out at and thank them for their support!
Knowing we at CEG are huge fans of New Blood games, Dave wanted to help out CEGCON 2023 with some game codes to DUSK, DUSK '82, Ultrakill, and Gloomwood!
Hup hup hup your way on over to to check them out and thank them on various socials!
Please join me in welcoming PC Power & Cooling as a sponsor for CEGCON 2023! They are providing 3 beefy power supplies to run all your power hungry GPU's.
Please check them out at and thank them for their generous continued support of CEG!
Constant supporter SilverStone is back yet again providing us with 2 FARA V1M PRO cases, 2 3-Pack of Air Blazer 120mm ARGB Fans, 2 large mouse pads and more!
Please check them out at and thank them for their support!
The awesome folks at Team Group are providing us with a kit of XTREEM ARGB WHITE DDR4 RAM and a VULCAN Z SATA SSD to give away at CEGCON 2023!
Please check them out at and thank them for their support!
Long time CEG sponsor UL has provided us with 5 3DMark Advanced licenses which include the new 3DMark Speed Way Benchmark!
Please check them out at and thank them for their continued support!
Our good friends at ZOTAC have sent us more boxes of swag for attendees of CEGCON 2023!
Please check them out at and thank them for continuing to support CEG!
Shannon at Patriot bolstered our CEGCON prize supplies with some RAM, SSD, keyboards, mice, and headsets for all your gaming needs!
Please check them out at and thank them for their support!
Coming in cool is Cooler Master, supporting CEGCON 2023 with 10 SK620 mechanical keyboards, 10 MM730 gaming mice, and 10 Hyper 212 EVO V2 CPU coolers!
Please check out their Amazon webstore at COOLERMASTER and their socials to thank them for their support!
We have support from Crucial for CEGCON 2023! They are providing a lovely box of goodies for our attendees.
Please check them out at and thank them for their continued support.
OG CEGCON 2017 sponsor Das Keyboard are back! This time providing us with a 5QS RGB mechanical keyboard
Please check them out at and thank them for their support!
Please welcome Fractal Design as a sponsor for CEGCON 2023! They're sending a Pop Silent White TG case and a Meshify 2 Mini White TG case!
Please check them out at and thank them for their support!
Please welcome first time CEG sponsor TheKey.Company! They are providing their brand new MonsGeek M1 keyboard, a Portico75 keyboard and switches and keycaps for CEGCON 2023!
Please check them out at and thank them for their support!
I am very happy to announce that Noctua is joining on as a sponsor for CEGCON 2023! Noctua will be supplying us with 3 of their comfy hoodies and other swag.
Please check them out at and thank them for their support!
1-22-2023 CEGCON2023 Registration is OPEN!!
Click here to singup for CEGCON 2023
Your F5 skills have done their best, it is now time to let them rest and signup for CEGCON 2023. Only 100 BYOC seats are avaiable
1-10-2023 CEGCON2023 Registration & LAN Communism Announcement

The Spring Semester has started and with everyone returning CEG Admins wanted to provide a few updates for the upcoming event CEGCON2023 on February 25th, 2023 in the David L. Eisler Center Ballrooms RM202 from 10:00 am till 9:00 pm. Registration for this FREE 100-person Bring Your Own Computer LAN party will be opened on January 22nd, 2023 at 8:00 pm EST. You can register by F5ing on the CEG LAN Registration page
LAN Communism returns once again with some new and old favorites...
Grab your double barrel shotgun and prepare for chaos as the arena is wide open for everyone to join and frag your fellow attendees. The classic FPS from 1994 still provides that violence, speed, and momentum that everyone craves. To get started install the ZDAEMON DOOM client *Sever information will be provided at the LAN in Discord
Battlefield 4
CEG Admin WhtW0uldJesusD0 has pulled this older classic off the shelf and has purchased for the month a Battlefield 4 server dedicated for all the attendees to play together. Conquest in a massive 64-person multiplayer experience as BF4 is still the powerhouse for massive FPS wartime warfare! If you don't own BF4 it's currently on sale for $6.59 come on that's cheaper than a Taco Bell meal with a liter of Mt. Dew Baja Blast!
One of the original Battle Royals returns to CEG as PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds (PUBG) with a 100-person custom game lobby everyone can join in to see if they can survive StinkyWag's Wrath! How will you survive? Go for every drop, crawl naked through the grass all the way to the last zone, create an alliance with your tablemate and hope you can survive before you get shot in the back? Who will win that crispy crispy chicken dinner at the end??? Download PUGB right now for Free and get some practice rounds in before the LAN.
Fall Guys
They may be cute and want to be cuddled but always expect some shenanigans when everyone gets into the lobby together... expect your friends to turn on you the moment you gain a slight lead. Fall Guys opens up for a new LAN Communism game for CEG we are hoping everyone brings a controller as we have heard it's the way to play this fun party time game ?? Download Fall Guys for free and prepare for the room to be filled with screams of excitement and the moans of disappointment who will outlast everyone?
Flatout 2
CEG just wouldn't be CEG without this absolute classic racing game... but CEG attendees don't race they take out their vehicle manslaughter on one another in the demo derby doughnut. Bucket your safety belt, put on your crash test helmet, put that hammer down, and give it hell! Participate in several racing heat-style rounds to see who's got the best skills at wrecking! If you don't have Flatout 2 no worries CEG Admins will have you covered at the event!!
10-4-2022 HARVEST LAN 22 Sponsorship Annoucement - SilverStone Technology

CEG would like to announce the long term sponsor Silverstone Technology will be providing some swag for the HARVEST LAN 22. They have been a long time supporter of CEG and the events we host!
Please give them a like and thank them for supporting us time and time again! SilverStone Technology
9-21-2022 CEG Event: HARVEST LAN 22

CEG Admins would like to proudly announce the harvest season is back on and this time we harvest in-person! Grab your overalls, your work boots, and your PC as well because we are starting the semester off right with a LAN event!
CEG: Harvest LAN 22 is scheduled for October 29th 2022 from 9:00am till 9:00pm located in the Arts & Science Commons room 1008 in Big Rapids Michigan for a total of 40 attendees. Tickets for this event are FREE.
Registration is OPEN!

CEG Attendees
Due to the announcement from President Isler on March 13th 2020 "All University- and community-sponsored events on campus are cancelled."
CEG Admins want to make sure its members/attendees are safe so we will be cancelling the ETERNALAN Event that was planned for 3-21-2020.
Please stay tuned to for any updates on upcoming events.
Stay home, wash your hands, and play DOOM ETERNAL!
3-2-2020 CEG Presents: ETERNALAN

Hot off the heels of CEGCON 2020 the CEG Admins have a surprise for the citizens of Earth! On March 21st 2020 from 9:00am till 9:00pm in Arts and Science Commons Room 1008 in Big Rapids Michigan for a total of 40 attendees. Tickets to this event are FREE CEG presents ETERNALAN! Prepare yourself for the invasion of Earth as each of you DoomSlayers will need to battle the forces of Hell and repel this invasion! This event will be focused on the id Software/Bethesda release of DOOM Eternal on March 20th 2020. Pick the game up on Steam or any of your local retailers then join us the next day for a day of DOOM!
Registration is Sunday, March 8th 2020 at 8:00pm EST.
Rip and Tear Until It Is Done!
2-25-2020 CEGCON 2020 Sponsorship Announcement - PC Power & Cooling

Our friends at PC Power & Cooling are back again with some awesome PSU's for CEGCON 2020 attendees! Power your rig with a new Turbo Master 1350W, FireStorm 1050W, or Silencer 1050W power supply! Please give them a like and thank them for their continued support of CEG!
2-17-2020 CEGCON 2020 Announcement - LAN Czar Tournament Information

CEGCON 2020 is upon us and as the Admins continue to work hard on acquiring new sponsors, the Tournament Admins are ready to announce the return of the CEGCON LAN Czar Tournament. Just like last year, attendees will be competing in multiple games for high scores and highest point totals to see who can become the CEGCON LAN CZAR! We have a mixture of different types of games this year but we have included some old favorites as well. We are also hosting some standard bracket tournaments for the really sweaty attendees. Announcing our Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2v2, Bloxeed (Battle Tetris), and a secret arcade style game that will be announced at the event. Attendees will be competing for fame and riches that only a Czar would keep in their treasure room.
CEGCON Information page is now live with all the information you'll need to know about CEGCON 2020. Please make sure you print off and fill out your waiver prior to entrance into the event. Ferris Department of Public Safety will be performing bag checks prior to admittance into the event please follow any instructions during the registration process. Remember to review what to bring to this event as CEG Admins won't have any extra cables, cords, etc on hand.
Finally if you are unable to attend CEGCON 2020 and have a registered seat please contact the Admins within Discord so that your seat can be freed up for our waitlist attendees. We hope you are all getting excited as the CEG Admins are putting on the final touches for another great event.
2-13-2020 CEGCON 2020 Sponsorship Announcement - EKWB

Please welcome first time CEG sponsor EK Water Blocks! Up for grabs at CEGCON 2020 are an EK-KIT Classic RGB S240 liquid cooling kit, an EK-Crew Hoodie & EK-Crew Cap, and an EK-Leak Tester! Please check them out at EKWB
1-31-2020 CEGCON 2020 Sponsorship Announcement - SilverStone

Long time sponsor SilverStone is back once again for CEGCON 2020! SilverStone have provided us with 2 Mini-ITX PC cases, an SFX PSU, lots of fans, 2 AIO Liquid Coolers and more! Please check them out at SilverStone
1-31-2020 CEGCON 2020 Sponsorship Announcement - PDP Gaming

Please join me in welcoming first time sponsor PDP! PDP didn't want our console loving attendees to feel left out and have provided us with a wide selection of console controllers and accessories! Please check them out at PDP Gaming
1-31-2020 CEGCON 2020 Sponsorship Announcement - Crucial

Please welcome back 4 time CEGCON sponsor Crucial Ballistix! Up for grabs at CEGCON 2020 are 6 Crucial Ballistix 16GB kits, 2 Crucial Ballistix MAX RGB 16GB kits, 6 Crucial MX500 500GB SSD's, 2 Crucial P1 1TB SSD's, and some awesome jerseys!
Check out the new Crucial Ballistix line of memory available soon at Crucial
1-24-2020 CEGCON 2020 Sponsorship Announcement - REALFORCE

CEG is very happy to announce the support of Topre REALFORCE Keyboards for CEGCON 2020! Topre have provided us with not one, not two, but 5 of their REALFORCE RGB TKL keyboards! Please check them out at Topre REALFORCE Keyboards
1-17-2020 CEGCON 2020 Sponsorship Announcement - WD_Black

Please join me in welcoming back WD_Black as a CEGCON 2020 sponsor! Up for grabs are 2 500GB WD_BLACK SN750 NVMe SSD and 2 500GB WD Blue SN500 SSD! Please check them out at WD_Black and thank them for supporting CEGCON 2020!
1-17-2020 CEGCON 2020 Sponsorship Announcement - FSP Group USA

Our good friends at FSP Group USA are back again supporting CEGCON 2020! Attendees will have a chance to take home one of two CMT350 PC cases, a Hyper M85+ 550W PSU, case fans, and much more! Please check them out at FSP Group USA and thank them for supporting CEGCON 2020!
1-10-2020 CEGCON 2020 Sponsorship Announcement - HyperX

Another first time CEG sponsor please welcome HyperX! HyperX have provided 6 x Fury RGB 8GB DDR4 3600 CL17 memory modules and a ton of lanyards for CEGCON 2020! Please check them out at HyperX and thank them for supporting CEGCON 2020!
1-10-2020 CEGCON 2020 Sponsorship Announcement - Performance-PCs

Please welcome first time CEG sponsor Performance-PCs! Performance-PCs have provided an RGB AIO CPU cooler, 2 cable extension kits, 2 vertical GPU mounting kits, an RGB lighting kit and a bunch of swag! Please check them out at Performance-PCs and thank them for supporting CEGCON 2020!
1-10-2020 CEGCON 2020 Sponsorship Announcement - Mechanical Keyboards

Our very good friends at Mechanical Keyboards are once again supporting CEG with an MK Night Typist mechanical keyboard, an MK Midnight Dawn key set, a Kraken USB cable and some swag! Please check them out at Mechanical Keyboards and thank them for supporting CEGCON 2020!
1-10-2020 CEGCON 2020 Sponsorship Announcement - Gamdias

Long time CEG supporters GAMDIAS are back yet again for CEGCON 2020! GAMDIAS have provided 2 of their PC cases, 3 of their RGB fan kits, and an Aphrodite MF1 L gaming chair! Please check them out at Gamdias and thank them for supporting CEGCON 2020!
1-10-2020 CEGCON 2020 Sponsorship Announcement - ASROCK

Please welcome back ASRock as a CEGCON 2020 sponsor! ASRock provided a huge pile of swag and 3 of their great motherboards to give away! Please check them out at ASROCK and thank them for supporting CEGCON 2020!
12-27-2019 CEGCON 2020 Sponsorship Announcement - EVGA

Returning for their 4th CEGCON in a row is EVGA! EVGA have provided 3 Z10 RGB mechanical keyboards, a G5 650W power supply, and a bunch of t-shirts and lanyards! Please check them out at EVGA and thank them for supporting CEGCON 2020!
12-20-2019 CEGCON 2020 Sponsorship Announcement - IceGiant

CEG is happy to announce the support of IceGiant for CEGCON 2020! IceGiant have provided us with a voucher for a free ProSiphon Elite when they are available in Spring 2020. Please check them out at IceGiant and thank them for supporting CEGCON 2020!
12-11-2019 CEGCON 2020 Sponsorship Announcement - UL

Back once again our good friends at UL have provided us with 10 Steam keys for 3DMark Advanced Edition! Please check them out at UL and thank them for supporting CEGCON 2020!
12-9-2019 CEGCON 2020 Sponsorship Announcement - Thermal Grizzly

The nice folks at Thermal Grizzly heard that CEG attendees like their CPU's and GPU's nice and cold so they sent us a box of their awesome thermal pastes and liquid metal! Please check them out at Thermal Grizzly and thank them for supporting CEGCON 2020!
12-9-2019 CEGCON 2020 Sponsorship Announcement - Vortex

Our great friends at Vortex Keyboards are back again supporting CEGCON 2020 with their Tab 75 and Tab 60 compact mechanical keyboards! Please check them out at
12-9-2019 CEGCON 2020 Sponsorship Announcement - Seasonic

Please welcome CEGCON 2020 sponsor Seasonic! Seasonic have provided a Focus GX-750 power supply and a Wooting One Analog Mechanical Keyboard! Please check them out at
11-22-2019 CEGCON 2020 Sponsorship Announcement - Noctua

CEG is very happy to announce that Noctua is joining on as a sponsor for CEGCON 2020! Noctua will be supplying us with their flagship NH-D15 Chromax CPU cooler, an NH-U12S CPU cooler, an NF-F12 case fan, and 2 of their NT-H1 thermal pastes! Get a great view of the Chromax CPU coolers in this video See all of their great products Amazon or at
11-22-2019 CEGCON 2020 Sponsorship Announcement - Viper Gaming Patriot

Please join me in welcoming Viper Gaming by Patriot as a new sponsor for CEGCON 2020! Patriot is supplying 3 V765 RGB mechanical keyboards and 3 V551 RGB gaming mice. Check them out at Patriot
11-22-2019 CEGCON 2020 Sponsorship Announcement - InWin

Another new sponsor for CEGCON 2020 is InWin USA! InWin has provided us with a Dragon Slayer mATX PC case and 6 of their Rocker Mat aluminum mousepads! Please check out their Amazon store.
10-22-2019 CEGCON 2020 Announcement

The CEG Admins would like to officially announce CEGCON 2020. The event will be held Saturday February 29th, 2020 from 10:00am until 9:00pm in the FSU University Center room UCB202 in Big Rapids, Michigan. The event will hold 100 BYOC (Bring Your Own Computer) attendees and is FREE to attend.
CEGCON is the Computer Enthusiast Group's largest LAN event, held during the Spring Semester.
All those wishing to participate must register online prior to the event.
Registration for CEGCON2020 will open at 8:00pm EST on Sunday December 8th, 2019 so get those F5 keys ready!
CEG would like to thank the FSU ITS Department for sponsoring this event and helping us secure the venue!
Official tournaments and sponsors will be announced in the coming weeks.
To stay up to date with what is happening at CEG please connect on our Community Page.
9-30-2019 CEG Presents: Harvest LAN

CEG is calling out all you farm hands to grab your gloves and flannel for another great LAN event! The days are getting shorter, colder, and it's the perfect weather for OCing your hardware.
CEG: Harvest LAN is scheduled for October 19th 2019 from 9:00am till 9:00pm located in the Arts & Science Commons room 1008 in Big Rapids Michigan for a total of 40 attendees. Tickets for this event are FREE.
Registration is Sunday, October 6th at 8:00pm EST
7-11-2019 CEG Presents: Summer Break LAN 3

We're having a heatwave a tropical heatwave! The temperatures rising and isn't it surprising that the Computer Enthusiasts Group is hosting another LAN event before the start of the Fall 2019 semester. Time to brave the heat and the scorching temperatures to enjoy a day inside with all your friends for some good frag times!
CEG: Summer Break LAN 3 is scheduled for August 17th 2019 from 9:00am till 9:00pm located in the Arts & Science Commons room 1008 in Big Rapids Michigan for a total of 40 attendees. Tickets for this event are FREE.
Registration is Sunday, July 28th at 8:00pm EST
We hope you're all having a wonderful Summer Break and can join us for this event!
3-29-2019 CEG Presents: AVENGE THE FALLAN

The semester is almost over... it's time to snap way all your homework and attend the last LAN of the semester.
CEG Presents "AVENGE THE FALLAN" Join us on April 27th 2019 from 9:00am till 9:00pm in Arts and Science Commons Room 1008 in Big Rapids Michigan for a total of 40 attendees. Tickets for this event are FREE.
Registration is Sunday, April 7th 2019 at 8:00pm EST.

3-8-2019 CEGCON 2019 Photos Posted!
CEG Admins have completed the massive photo dump!
Check out CEGCON2019's Photos here on our Picture Page!
2-25-2019 CEGCON 2019 Sponsorship Annoucement - AORUS

Please join me in welcoming first time sponsor AORUS to CEGCON 2019! AORUS are providing us with an awesome X470 AORUS GAMING 7 WIFI motherboard and some great swag!
Please give them a like and thank them for their support! AORUS
2-25-2019 CEGCON 2019 Sponsorship Annoucement - Cooler Master

Welcome back Cooler Master! Cooler Master is once again sponsoring CEGCON, this year with some great mice, case fans, and swag!
Please give them a like and thank them for their continued support! Cooler Master
2-25-2019 CEGCON 2019 Sponsorship Annoucement - New Blood Interactive

With the return of the DUSK Endless station, and the addition of the AMID EVIL station. New Blood Interactive is back with game keys to give away!
Please give them a like, thank them for their support, and buy their games! New Blood Interactive
2-25-2019 CEGCON 2019 Sponsorship Annoucement - XLR8 Gaming

Please welcome first time sponsor XLR8 Gaming! XLR8 have provided us with a box of swag for our lovely attendees.
Please give them a like and thank them for their support! XLR8 Gaming
2-25-2019 CEGCON 2019 Sponsorship Annoucement -

Our awesome friends at are currently digging themselves out from under a mountain of Ducky Mini One 2 keyboards but have made sure to set aside an MK Disco to give away at CEGCON 2019!
Please give them a like and thank them for their continued support!
2-25-2019 CEGCON 2019 Sponsorship Annoucement - Western Digital Gaming

I am proud to announce the support of first time sponsor Western Digital Gaming! They are providing 2 WD Black NVMe drives (1TB and 500GB!) and some swag for CEGCON 2019!
Please give them a like and thank them for supporting CEGCON! Western Digital Gaming
2-15-2019 CEGCON 2019 Sponsorship Annoucement - Bawls

Please join me in welcoming back long long long time CEG LAN supporter Bawls Guarana! Bawls has been supporting CEG LAN events all the way back to 2004! They will be sending some sweet Bawls swag apparel for attendees to wear around campus.
Head to their facebook page give them a like and let them know what flavor is your go to for all night gaming sessions. Bawls
2-18-2019 CEGCON 2019 LAN CZAR Tournament - Annoucement

Attention CEGCON 2019 Attendees! The frigid cold of the great north has brought forth a journeyman from long ago. CEG Admins would like to present for CEGCON 2019 the "LAN CZAR Tournament"! Attendees of CEGCON 2019 will be able to participate in LAN Communism games every hour to earn points towards the LAN CZAR Leaderboard! The attendee with the most points at the end of the LAN will be awarded prizes and glory for skill and determination.
The LAN Communism games will be: Counter Strike: Global Offensive Gun Game Mode, PLAYERUNKNOWN'S BATTLEGROUNDS Solo mode, QuakeLive Instagib, DOOM2 Free for All, and Chivalry Medieval Warfare Free for All. Don't own those games? Don't worry CEGCON 2019 attendees will be able to participate in the LAN CZAR Leaderboard in other ways. CEG Admins will have two dedicated stations for players to play Dusk Endless Mode and Amid Evil Hordes of Evil Mode. Submitting your high score into CEG Discord will net you points for the leaderboard as well.
But wait there's more! Around the CEGCON room will be vendor booths such as the Ferris State Bulldog Esports which will be hosting a VR booth and we might be graced with the presence of an Italian plumber with a bushy mustache! Finally, the Polish DJ from Chicago will be bringing up some Arcade hardware to play all sorts of old school games. All these locations will net you extra LAN CZAR Leaderboard points for participation.
We hope you're excited as we are to provide all this wonderful LAN content for your pleasure... can't make it to CEGCON 2019 you can watch all the action over at CEG Twitch with our steaming master Mr_Kola.
Please check out CEGCON Info for all the latest information including rules, event location, schedule, waivers, maps, lodging, and much more.
2-15-2019 CEGCON 2019 Sponsorship Annoucement - Thermalright

Please join me in welcoming first time CEG sponsor THERMALRIGHT! THERMALRIGHT is supporting CEGCON 2019 with 4 awesome CPU air coolers and some great thermal paste!
Please give them a like and welcome them to the CEG family! Thermalright
2-15-2019 CEGCON 2019 Sponsorship Annoucement - Vortex

Welcome back Vortex Keyboards! Vortex Keyboards is returning to sponsor CEGCON 2019 with two of their awesome mechanical keyboards!
Please give them a like and thank them for their continued support of CEG! Vortex
2-15-2019 CEGCON 2019 Sponsorship Annoucement - Pixio

Returning sponsor Pixio Gaming is looking to spruce up your wardrobe with some great Pixio branded shirts!
Please give them a like and thank them for their support! Pixio
2-15-2019 CEGCON 2019 Sponsorship Annoucement - XPG Global

Please welcome back XPG Global as a CEGCON 2019 sponsor! XPG have provided us with a gaming mouse, a pile of mouse mats, and some flash drives.
Please give them a like and thank them for their continued support! XPG Global
2-15-2019 CEGCON 2019 Sponsorship Annoucement - GX Gaming

Our friends at GX Gaming are back, supporting CEGCON 2019 with a set of gaming peripherals to give away!
Please give them a like and thank them for their continued support! GX Gaming
2-11-2019 CEGCON 2019 Sponsorship Annoucement - PowerColor

Please join me in welcoming PowerColor as a first time CEG sponsor! PowerColor is looking to up our attendees graphics game by supplying a generous prize package for CEGCON 2019 including 5 RX 570 graphics cards, some backpacks, and other gaming goodies!
Please give them a like and thank them for supporting CEG! PowerColor
2-11-2019 CEGCON 2019 Sponsorship Annoucement - PC Power and Cooling

Our great friends at PC Power and Cooling are back once again supporting CEGCON 2019! They are supplying CEG with some awesome PSUs to give away at CEGCON 2019 including the beastly Turbo-Master 1350!
Please give them a like and thank them for their continued support! PC Power and Cooling
2-11-2019 CEGCON 2019 Sponsorship Annoucement - FSP Group

Please join me in welcoming back FSP Group USA as a sponsor for CEGCON 2019! FSP Group USA are providing CEG with some PSUs, a case, and a bunch of other goodies to give away!
Please give them a like and thank them for supporting CEG! FSP Group USA
1-30-2019 CEGCON 2019 Sponsorship Annoucement - Gamdias

Returning sponsor Gamdias has provided CEG with some great gaming peripherals to give away at CEGCON 2019!
Please give them a like and thank them for their continued support! Gamdias
1-30-2019 CEGCON 2019 Sponsorship Annoucement - ASROCK

New sponsor ASRock is supporting CEGCON 2019 with 2 gaming motherboards and a bunch of swag! Along with prizes they will also have a demo booth so you can check out their most popular products!
Please give them a like and welcome them to the CEG family! ASROCK
1-23-2019 CEGCON 2019 Sponsorship Annoucement - ZOTAC

Returning sponsor from last year ZOTAC is supporting CEGCON 2019 with another giant pile of swag!
Please give them a like and thank them for continuing to support CEG! ZOTAC
1-23-2019 CEGCON 2019 Sponsorship Annoucement - UL Benchmarks

Our friends at UL Benchmarks return to sponsor CEGCON 2019 with 10 keys each of 3DMark and VRMark! The 3DMark keys include the new real-time ray tracing benchmark Port Royal!
Please give them a like and thank them for supporting us with all of our benchmarking needs! UL Benchmarks
1-23-2019 CEGCON 2019 Sponsorship Annoucement - SilverStone Technology

Long time CEG supporters SilverStone Technology are back once again sponsoring CEGCON 2019 with some awesome PC cases and other gaming gear!
Please give them a like and thank them for supporting us time and time again! SilverStone Technology
1-23-2019 CEGCON 2019 Sponsorship Annoucement - MSI Gaming

Back for CEGCON 2019 MSI Gaming are sponsoring the event with a huge pile of gaming keyboards, mice, and headsets!
Please give them a like and let them know we appreciate their support! MSI Gaming
1-23-2019 CEGCON 2019 Sponsorship Annoucement - Ballistix Gaming

Our friends at Ballistix Gaming are back sponsoring CEGCON 2019 with some great RAM and SSD products!
Please give them a like and thank them for their continued support of CEG! Ballistix Gaming
1-23-2019 CEGCON 2019 SOLD OUT!

That's right folks the final seats for CEGCON 2019 have been taken. We'd like to thank everyone for signing up and we can't wait to provide you more information on the plans we have for this year. If you'd like to be placed on the wait list jump into discord and contact one of the CEG Admins. Keep your eye peeled and your ears perked for all the sponsorship annoucements we have in the pipe.
10-6-2018 CEGCON 2019 Announcement

The CEG Admins would like to officially announce CEGCON 2019. The event will be held Saturday March 2nd, 2019 from 10:00am until 9:00pm in the FSU University Center room UCB202 in Big Rapids, Michigan. The event will hold 100 BYOC (Bring Your Own Computer) attendees and is FREE to attend.
CEGCON is the Computer Enthusiast Group's largest LAN event held during the Spring Semester.
All those wishing to participate must register online prior to the event.
Registration for CEGCON2019 will open at 8:00pm EST on Sunday December 9th, 2018 so get those F5 keys ready!
CEG would like to thank the FSU ITS Department for sponsoring this event and helping us secure the venue!
Official tournaments and sponsors will be announced in the coming weeks.
To stay up to date with what is happening at CEG please connect on our Community Page.
10-5-2018 InstaLAN Sponsorship Announcement:

Our amazing friends at are hooking one lucky CEG InstaLAN attendee up with an MK Disco in their switch of choice! Please give them a like and thank them for their continued support of CEG!
10-4-2018 InstaLAN Sponsorship Announcement: UL Benchmarks

Like to benchmark your PC? Our friends at UL Benchmarks have got you covered! They have provided 5 copies of 3DMark and VRMark for both CEG InstaLAN and CEGCON 2019! Please give them a like and thank them for their support!
10-4-2018 InstaLAN Sponsorship Announcement: FirePower Technology

Our friends at FirePower Technology have hooked us up with some case badges and another PC Power & Cooling 1050W power supply to give away at CEG InstaLAN this weekend! Please give them a like and thank them for their support!
10-4-2018 InstaLAN Sponsorship Announcement: GX Gaming

GX Gaming is supporting CEG once again with some great gaming peripherals to give away at CEG InstaLAN this weekend! Please give them a like and thank them for their support!
9-12-2018 InstaLAN Tournament Announcement: QuakeChampions Instagib FFA
9-12-2018 InstaLAN Tournament Announcement: Rocket League 3v3 Rumble Mode
9-12-2018 InstaLAN Sponsorship Announcement: Gamdias

No need for a filter when showing off the ARES P1 RGB gaming keyboard provided for CEG InstaLAN by our friends at Gamdias! Give them a like and thank them for their continued support of our events!
See all of their products at Gamdias
9-12-2018 InstaLAN Sponsorship Announcement: XPG

DOOM Guy couldn't resist snapping a selfie with the pile of swag XPG Global sent over for CEG InstaLAN! Give XPG Global a like and thank them for their support!
Also check out their great products at XPG
9-12-2018 InstaLAN Sponsorship Announcement: Crucial Memory

Our good friends at Crucial Memory/ Ballistix Gaming heard you like teh gee bees so they hooked us up with an MX500 500GB SSD and Ballistix Sport 16GB DDR4 2666 RAM kit for BOTH InstaLAN and the previously unannounced CEGCON 2019!
Please give them a like and thank them for their continued support of CEG!
Also check out all their great products at Crucial Memory
8-30-2018 CEG Presents InstaLAN
CEG would like to welcome back all the returning students and extend a warm welcome to all the incoming Freshmen that are starting their college career here at Ferris State. We hope you all had a wonderful Summer and enjoyed all the new game announcements. We also hope you've prepared yourself for another spectacular LAN event!
CEG: InstaLAN is scheduled for Saturday, October 6th 2018 from 9:00am till 9:00pm located in the Arts & Science Commons room 1008 in Big Rapids Michigan for a total of 40 attendees. Tickets and selfies are FREE.
Registration is Sunday, September 9th 2018 at 8:00pm EST.
If you happen to be attending Ferris State Founder's Day stop by the ITS booth and meet and greet with all the CEG Admins. We'll also have PCs setup to play DOOM2 multiplayer.

7-10-2018 Summer Break LAN 2 Sponsor - OCZ

OCZ is back again sponsoring our Summer Break LAN with a 240GB TR200 SSD and a bunch of swag! Please give them a like if you don't already and thank them for continuing to support our events! Check them out on Facebook/Twitter or at: Toshiba
7-10-2018 Summer Break LAN 2 Sponsor - Silverstone

SilverStone Technology has been supporting CEG for years and is once again providing us with some great swag for the Summer Break LAN! Please give them a like if you haven't already and thank them for their continued support! Check them out on Facebook/Twitter or at: SilverStone Technology
7-6-2018 Summer Break LAN 2 Tournaments!

CEG Admins have been sweating away in this Summer heat thinking about some fun organized games we all could enjoy at the Summer Break LAN!
Well since the Big Rapids Fair is just around the corner and everyone loves a little bump and grinding get your helmets ready cause we are doing a Fair special: FlatOut2 Demolition Derby! That's right get into the arena to smash and destroy your opponents leaving nothing but pieces behind.
Next up who doesn't like feats of strength and men is suits of armor? Unsheathe your swords and prepare for battle! Chivalry: Medieval Warfare FFA will be the next organized game for everyone to swing, parry, dodge, and get decapitated on! FOR AGATHA!
The final organized game is a bit of a mystery...well honestly none of the other admins know what Mr_Kola is bringing to the table since he lives so far away now! But you can expect it to your fighting skills to the test! Put your headband on, turn up Eye of the Tiger, and be prepared for anything in the fighting realm genre.
Stay tuned as CEG admins are working diligently to see if we can acquire some swag to give way at the event! We hope you're all excited because we are ready to stay indoors and play some games with everyone!
6-18-2018 Summer Break LAN 2 Announcement!
We're having a heatwave a tropical heatwave! The temperatures rising and isn't it surprising that the Computer Enthusiasts Group is hosting another LAN event before the start of the Fall 2018 semester. Time to brave the heat and the scorching temperatures to enjoy a day inside with all your friends for some good frag times!
CEG: Summer Break LAN 2 is scheduled for July 21st 2018 from 9:00am till 9:00pm located in the Arts & Science Commons room 1008 in Big Rapids Michigan for a total of 40 attendees. Tickets for this event are FREE.
Registration is Sunday, June 24th 2018 at 8:00pm EST.
We hope you're all having a wonderful Summer Break and can join us for this event!

3-19-2018 Never Let Go LAN Announcement!
This is your Captain speaking "LAN RIGHT AHEAD!!!!" There is no course adjustment and no ability to turn this big boat. We are crashing headlong into another event before the semester ends. CEG proudly presents "Never Let Go" LAN.
CEG: Never Let Go LAN is scheduled for April 14th 2018 from 9:00am till 9:00pm located in the Arts & Science Commons room 1008 in Big Rapids Michigan for a total of 40 attendees. Tickets for this boat ride are FREE.
Registration is Sunday, March 25th 2018 at 8:00pm EST.
Like Jack and Rose there will be plenty of fun and excitement to enjoy but you'll just have to hold on until further announcements.
2-20-2018 CEGCON2018 Photos Posted!
CEG Admins finally got out of the dark room and got all the photos developed! A huge thank you to all our sponsors for CEGCON2018 and thank you for all the attendees who were able to make it out! Check out the CEGCON2018 photos here!

2-6-2018 CEGCON2018 Sponsorship - Icy Dock

Returning sponsor Icy Dock USA are hooking us up with some great products for CEGCON 2018 to enhance your storage game. Please give them a like and thank them for their support. And don't forget to check out their products at Icy Dock.
2-6-2018 CEGCON2018 Sponsorship - Max Keyboard

Our friends at Max Keyboard are sponsoring CEGCON 2018 and have provided us with a TON of backlit keycaps. Please give them a like and thank them for pimping out our attendees keyboards! Check out all they have to offer at Max Keyboard.
2-6-2018 CEGCON2018 Sponsorship - ZOTAC

First time sponsor ZOTAC is hooking CEG up with a big box of swag! Please give them a like and thank them for supporting CEGCON 2018 Also be sure to check them out at ZOTAC.
2-1-2018 CEGCON2018 Sponsorship - Sumo Lounge

CEG is happy to announce that Sumo Lounge has joined on to support CEGCON 2018 as a sponsor! Sumo Lounge has supplied us with two Red Gamer bean bag chairs to give away! Please give them a like and thank them for supporting CEG! Use voucher "valentine" for 15% off through Feb 14 at Sumo Lounge
1-29-2018 CEGCON2018 Sponsorship - MSI

CEG is very happy to announce that MSI Gaming have signed on as a CEGCON 2018 sponsor! MSI has very generously supplied us with TWO MSI GeForce GTX 1050 2G OC, a MSI X370 GAMING PRO, and a MSI Z370 GAMING PRO CARBON! Please give them a like and a huge thank you for supporting the event! All of their great products can be found at MSI
1-19-2018 CEGCON2018 Tournaments - Rocket League

Get ready to tear up the turf attendees because CEG is hosting another Rocket League tournament! Grab two of your friends and get ready for some 3 v 3 ball juggling flying scoring action! Signups for the tournament will be handled onsite via the Challonge tournament system.
1-19-2018 CEGCON2018 Tournaments - Dragon Ball FighterZ

Fresh off the presses CEG is hosting the brand new Dragon Ball FighterZ fighting game! Grab your keyboards, controllers, or fight sticks because this tournament is going to kamehameha your face off!! Signups for the tournament will be handled onsite via the Challonge tournament system.
1-19-2018 CEGCON2018 Tournaments - DUSK Endless Mode Survival

Be branded a "Heretic"..."Quake" in fear...Meet your "DOOM"...See if you can survive! CEG is hosting a DUSK Endless Mode Survival tournament where you'll need every weapon at your disposal to survive. You'll be able to participate all day and submit your high score against everyone else the longer you live the better a chance for you to earn some CEGCON swag!
1-19-2018 CEGCON2018 Tournaments - Pixio Monitor Giveaway Tournament

Pixio has provided CEGCON one of their monitors for giveaway but they wanted something more...they wanted the biggest battle CEG could put together! So don't quake in your boots because CEG will have everything you need to participate in this tournament! More information will be shared at CEGCON 2018!
1-18-2018 CEGCON2018 Sponsorship - Cooler Master

CEG is happy to welcome Cooler Master as a sponsor for CEGCON 2018! They have provided us with 3 Devastator II keyboard and mouse combos! Please give them a like and thank them for supporting CEG! You can check out all of their products at: Cooler Master.
1-9-2018 CEGCON2018 Sponsorship - Optio Data

CEG would like to welcome back Optio Data from Grand Rapids Michigan in supporting CEGCON 2018. Optio Data is a hardware, software, and consulting company who has been working with Ferris State University for several years with our data center upgrades. We'd like to thank them for supporting CEGCON 2018. If you have any data center needs check them out at Optio Data.
1-9-2018 CEGCON2018 Sponsorship - SilverStone

I am very happy to welcome back SilverStone Technology as a sponsor for CEGCON 2018! SilverStone is one of if not the longest continuous sponsor of CEG events. They always provide great products and swag for our attendees. Please give them a like and check out all they have to offer at SilverStone.
1-8-2018 CEGCON2018 Sponsorship - Gamdias

Long time sponsor Gamdias is back for CEGCON 2018! Gamdias is hooking CEG up with some great gaming peripherals and swag! Please give them a like and thank them for continuing to support our events! Don't forget to check out all their products at Gamdias.
1-8-2018 CEGCON2018 Sponsorship - Ballistix Gaming

Our friends at Ballistix Gaming are back sponsoring CEGCON 2018 with some great RAM, SSDs, and swag! Please give them a like and thank them for their continued support of CEG events! Also check out their products at Ballistix Gaming.
1-8-2018 CEGCON2018 Sponsorship - Vortex Keyboard

CEG is proud to welcome Vortex Keyboard as a sponsor for CEGCON 2018! Vortex have provided CEG with a ViBE compact mechanical keyboard to give away! Give them a like and thank them for supporting CEG. Check out all of their great keyboards at Vortex Keyboard.
1-8-2018 CEGCON2018 Sponsorship - New Blood Interactive

CEG Admins would like to welcome New Blood Interactive the Developer behind Lazer Type, Tonight We Riot, Super Galaxy Squadren EX, DUSK, Unfortunate Spacemen, and Amid Evil! They are sponsoring our DUSK Endless Mode tournament at CEGCON 2018. Be sure to check out their games on Steam.
1-8-2018 CEGCON2018 Sponsorship - FSP Group USA

We have a new face! FSP Group USA have joined on as a sponsor for CEGCON 2018 with some great prizes and swag for our attendees! Please give them a like and welcome them to the CEG community! Check them out at FSP Group USA.
1-8-2018 CEGCON2018 Sponsorship - Mechanical Keyboards

Mechanical Keyboards Inc is your one stop shop for all things mechanical keyboard from retail keyboards and accessories to components for a DIY keyboard! Mechanical Keyboards Inc are back for CEGCON 2018 with some great prizes and swag for our attendees. Please give them a like and thank them for continually supporting our events! Check out all they have to offer at Mechanical Keyboards.
1-2-2018 CEGCON2018 Sponsorship - GX Gaming

CEG is proud to announce that GX Gaming are joining on as a CEGCON 2018 sponsor! GX Gaming are providing us with their Scorpion K10, Scorpion M8-610 and Lychas HS-G680 products as well as some swag! Give them a like and check out their products at: GX Gaming.
1-2-2018 CEGCON2018 Sponsorship - Enermax

Our friends at Enermax are back and sent us some boxes of goodies for CEGCON 2018 attendees! Please give Enermax a like and thank them for sponsoring CEGCON 2018! Don't forget to check out all their great products at: Enermax.
1-2-2018 CEGCON2018 Sponsorship - Psyonix

Psyonix is the developer of the hugely popular game Rocket League. Psyonix have hooked us up with some great swag for the winners of our Rocket League tournament! Thank you Psyonix!
1-2-2018 CEGCON2018 Sponsorship - EVGA

EVGA is back as well supporting CEGCON 2018 with some awesome PSUs, gaming products, and swag! Please give them a like and thank them for their continued support. Be sure to check out all of their products at EVGA.
1-2-2018 CEGCON2018 Sponsorship - XPG by ADATA

ADATA XPG are back again supporting CEGCON 2018 with some of their great memory products and swag! Give them a like and thank them for their continued support of CEG! Don't forget to check out all of their great products at ADATA.
1-2-2018 CEGCON2018 Sponsorship - Pixio

Pixio Gaming is hooking CEGCON 2018 up with a PX245c 24" curved gaming monitor and a P-400 aftermarket VESA monitor stand! Give them a like and thank them for their support of CEGCON 2018! You can drool over the PX245c and all of their monitors at Pixio Gaming.
12-18-2017 CEGCON2018 Sponsorship - OCZ by Toshiba

OCZ by Toshiba are back once again to rain some SSDs and swag on CEG attendees! Please join us in thanking OCZ for supporting CEGCON 2018 with two 240GB TR200 SSDs and lots of swag! Learn more about the TR200 SSDs and all of OCZs products
12-18-2017 CEGCON2018 Sponsorship - FirePower Technology

FirePower Technology are back and supporting CEGCON 2018 in many ways! As our official CEGCON 2018 lanyard sponsor they are providing CEG with a custom lanyard for each attendee! They are also providing us with some PC Power & Cooling products and swag! Thank you FirePower Technology!
Please give their Facebook page a like and check our their website.
12-1-2017 CEGCON2018 Sponsorship - beyerdynamic

beyerdynamic is back and hooking CEGCON 2018 up with some of their great Custom Game headsets! Please give them a like on Facebook and thank them for supporting CEGCON 2018! Also check out the Custom Game headset.
12-1-2017 CEGCON2018 Sponsorship - Seasonic

CEG Admins are very excited to announce that Seasonic has joined on as a sponsor for CEGCON 2018! Seasonic is providing us with some great PSUs for a few lucky attendees at CEGCON 2018! Thank you Seasonic! Check them out on Facebook: Seasonic
12-1-2017 CEGCON2018 Sponsorship - Keyboard Waffle Iron

Please join me in welcoming back The Keyboard Waffle Iron as a sponsor for CEGCON 2018! They have graciously sent us a waffle iron to give away to one lucky attendee as well as coupon codes for 10% off your very own Keyboard Waffle Iron! Thank you The Keyboard Waffle Iron! Check them out on Facebook: Keyboard Waffle Iron
11-20-2017 CEGCON2018 Sponsorship - Futuremark

CEG would like to welcome back Futuremark as a CEGCON 2018 sponsor! Futuremark is once again providing us with 5 copies each of their 3DMark and VRMark benchmarking software! Check them out on Steam or their Facebook Page at: Futuremark
11-20-2017 CEGCON2018 Sponsorship - Gunnar

CEG is proud to announce that GUNNAR Optiks have teamed up with CEG for CEGCON 2018! 5 lucky attendees will go home with a pair of GUNNAR Optiks gaming glasses that protect your eyes and look good doing it! Checkout their Facebook Page at: GUNNAR Optiks
11-13-2017 CEGCON2018 Announcement!
CEG admins are proud to announce CEGCON 2018. The event will be held Saturday February 10th, 2018 from 10:00am until 9:00pm in the FSU University Center room UCB200 in Big Rapids, Michigan.
CEGCON is a PC gaming event that will accommodate a 100 seat BYOC (Bring Your Own Computer) LAN party.
Admission to CEGCON is FREE thanks to the support and sponsorship of Ferris State University's Information Technology Services' Enterprise & Application Services department.
All those wishing to participate in the BYOC LAN party must register online prior to the event.
Registration for CEGCON 2018 will open at 8:00pm EST on Sunday December 3rd, 2017 so get those F5 keys ready!
Tournaments, sponsors, and additional information will be announced in the coming weeks.
To stay up to date with what is happening at CEG please connect with us on our Community Page.

9-6-2017 Pumpkin Spice LAN Announcement!
Do you feel that? That crispness in the air? You know what that means. It's time for another delicious CEG LAN party in ASC 1008! Dust off your UGG boots and get out your finest yoga pants, because this isn't just any LAN. Oh no. This is a Pumpkin Spice LAN!
CEG: PSL is scheduled for October 7th 2017 from 9:00am till 9:00pm located in the Arts & Science Commons room 1008 in Big Rapids Michigan for a total of 40 attendees. Like any of the other best things in life, this LAN is FREE.
Registration is Sunday, September 17th 2017 at 8:00pm EST.
Tournament announcements are still brewing as CEG admins "pour over" the options, but be ready for a unique taste of Fall that you won't want to miss!
6-2-2017 Too Big To Fail: Tournaments and Organized Gameplay Info
Good afternoon CEG Attendees! We're one week away from our Too Big To Fail: Bailout / Classics LAN. We hope you've done a fresh install of Windows 98SE and are prepared to lug your beige CRT monitor across campus for the event! Here's a rundown of all the tournaments and free play games we have planned for Too Big To Fail:
Street Fighter 3: Third Strike
- 1v1
- Double Elimination
- Default Time
- Best of 3 Rounds, 1 warmup match is allowed if agreed upon before playing.
- Characters will be picked at the time of play. Character selection may change between opponents. Selecting 'Random' is allowed. In keeping with the theme, gameplay will take place on the Sega Dreamcast. Please prepare your thumbs accordingly.
- 2v2 Top vs Bottom
- Single Elimination
- Server: LAN
- Port: UDP
- Game Settings:
- -Map: [Opposing-CEG-states.scx (Will be shared at the event)
- -Game Type: Use Map Settings
- -Teams: 2v2
- -Speed: Fastest
Organized Play Info:
Unreal Tournament 2004
- (Please See an Admin at the event for more information on version)
- Onslaught, Torlan / Arctic Stronghold
Half Life 2: Deathmatch
- FFA, Standard Maps
CounterStrike : Source
- Anything goes! Custom Maps! Standard Maps! Cornholio.wav!
Battlefield 2
- Conquest / TDM, Strike at Karkand
Not interested in the organized play or the tournament that's being held at the time? Feel free to organize your own games! It is suggested that the game be 10+ years old to be in keeping with the theme (Remastered versions still count!). Some suggestions for classic freeplay games:
- Rune
- Command and Conquer Red Alert 2
- Quake 3 Arena
- Call of Duty 2
- Warcraft III
- Mechwarrior 3
- Halo CE
- Flatout 2
- Your CEG Admins
6-2-2017 It's Happening!!
With only 1 week to go until the CEG: Too Big to Fail LAN your CEG admins wanted to bring some attention to the great companies that are supporting the event.
After being a first time CEG sponsor back at CEGCON 2017 ADATA XPG is back sponsoring the event with some great PC gear and accessories. Welcome back ADATA XPG!
Ballistix also made their sponsor debut at CEGCON 2017 and we are proud to announce they are back again supplying us with some great memory products for CEG attendees! Thank you for your continued support Ballistix!
BAWLS is a longtime sponsor of CEG and the gaming community in general making the tastiest energy sodas to keep you fragging long into the night. We are glad to partner with BAWLS again and they have graciously supplied us with more than enough drinks to fuel 12 hours of classic gaming. CEG is proudly Fueled By BAWLS!
be quiet! wanted to ensure that no attendee of the CEG: Too Big to Fail LAN walked away empty handed so they provided us with over 40 of their excellent case fans! Thank you be quiet!
After their CEGCON 2017 debut we are thankful to have Enermax back supplying a PC gaming case and some Bluetooth speakers. Thank you and welcome back Enermax!
Welcome back Futuremark as a sponsor for the CEG: Too Big to Fail LAN! They are providing CEG with 5 copies of 3DMark and 5 copies of VRMark!
Thank you Futuremark for supporting CEG!
GAMDIAS has been a loyal CEG sponsor since their debut last year at the DOOM LAN and the CEG: Too Big to Fail LAN is no exception. Providing some gaming mice and keyboard/mice combos we are proud to welcome back GAMDIAS!
Mechanical Keyboards Inc is your one stop shop for all things mechanical keyboard from retail keyboards and accessories to components for a DIY keyboard! Mechanical Keyboards Inc are back and provided CEG with an awesome Vortex Pure 60% mechanical keyboard to give away to one lucky attendee. Thank you again for your support Mechanical Keyboards Inc!
Max Keyboard is a manufacturer of mechanical keyboards and accessories specializing in custom backlit keyboards as well as custom keycaps. Max Keyboard is back sponsoring the CEG: Too Big to Fail LAN with some backlit keycaps and other swag! Thank you Max Keyboard for supporting CEG!
SilverStone has been supporting CEG events for years and we can always count on them to provide us with some great prizes. This LAN is no exception with two PC cases, two 500 watt power supplys and some great mousepads! Thank you SilverStone for your dedication to supporting CEG!
Vertagear is a gaming chair manufacturer committed to bringing inspired design and innovative features to gaming products. Vertagear have once again provided CEG with a gaming chair for one lucky attendee of the CEG: Too Big to Fail LAN! Thank you Vertagear!
3-27-2017 CEG: Too Big To Fail
Good Afternoon CEG faithful! CEGCon 2017 sure was great! Well, our accountants tell us it was a little too great. Help bail out your CEG Admins with a classics LAN!
CEG: Too Big to Fail is scheduled for June 10th 2017 from 9:00am till 9:00pm located in the Arts & Science Commons room 1008 in Big Rapids Michigan for a total of 40 attendees.
Five US dollars nets you 12 hours of classic PC and console gaming goodness!
Registration is this coming Sunday, April 2nd at 8:00pm
Tournament Information TBA, but rest assured you'll need to dig into your gaming archives to compete!
2-7-2017 CEGCON2017 Huge Success
CEG Admins would like to thank all who attended CEGCON2017 and made it a huge success! We roughly had 110 attendees who participated in the BYOC and the Board Gaming sections. We have posted the photos from the event to our Facebook page and our Photos Section on our site.
We cannot thank our Sponsors enough for their outpouring of support! They provide so many awesome and amazing gifts for our attendees. If you have not please like them on their social media pages and be sure to post a review of the items you may have won at your favorite shopping site.

12-13-2016 CEGCON2017 Sponsors
CEGCON2017's sponsor list is ever growing and we'd like to take a minute just sit right there and we'll tell you about all the wonderful companies who've signed up to support CEGCON! Show your support for our sponsors by liking them on their social media and sending them your thanks!
ADATA is a leading manufacturer of memory and storage components from USB flash drives to DRAM and SSDs. ADATA is a first time CEG sponsor and is providing us some great prizes. Thank you ADATA!
ARCTIC is a manufacturer of many great products including CPU and graphics card coolers, thermal compound, and gaming headsets. Arctic is a first time sponsor of CEG and has provided us with some great prizes for our attendees. Thank you Arctic!
beyerdynamic is one of the oldest audio companies, manufacturing premium microphones, headphones, and more in Germany. beyerdynamic are providing CEGCON2017 with some great prizes and swag. Thank you beyerdynamic!
Computer Power User (CPU Magazine) produces great print and web content related to PC hardware, gaming, and more. CPU is a returning sponsor of CEG and is providing us with a copy of their latest issue for each attendee of CEGCON2017. Thank you CPU Magazine!
Das Keyboard in their own words "offers badass geeks the ultimate experience with high-performance mechanical keyboards with superior durability, construction, and design." Das Keyboard is also a first time CEG sponsor and has provided us with some great products from their Gaming line. Thank you Das Keyboard!
Enermax has been around for over 25 years selling a variety of PC hardware such as Computer Cases, CPU Coolers, and Power Supplies. Enermax has also provided some great prizes for our attendees of CEGCON2017. Thank you Enermax!
Futuremark creates industry leading benchmarking software for desktops, notebooks, tablets, smartphones, and VR systems. Futuremark has provided CEG with copies of 3DMark Advanced Edition and VRMark Advanced Edition for some lucky attendees of CEGCON2017. Thank you Futuremark!
GAMDIAS is returning as a CEG sponsor for their 3rd event, welcome back GAMDIAS! GAMDIAS has provided us with some gaming mice and a gaming mechanical keyboard to give away at CEGCON2017. Thank you GAMDIAS!
ICY DOCK has more than 15 years of experience in design, manufacturing, branding and distribution of storage solutions. ICY DOCK have provided us with a ton of storage drive mounts and coolers to give away. Thank you ICY DOCK!
Max Keyboard is a manufacturer of mechanical keyboards and accessories specializing in custom backlit keyboards as well as custom keycaps. Max Keyboard have provided us with 2 programmable mini keypads and a bunch of Max Keyboard logo backlit keycaps to give away! Thank you Max Keyboard!
Mechanical Keyboards Inc is the Ultimate Mechanical Keyboard Catalog offering mechanical keyboards and accessories from all the major brands. They have provided us with one of their own branded mechanical keyboards to give away. Thank you Mechanical Keyboards Inc!
OCZ is back again for the 3rd CEG event in a row sponsoring CEGCON 2017 with some great prizes and swag. Thank you for the continued support OCZ!
Optio Data will be sponsoring CEGCON for the first time! OptioData is a hardware vendor based out of Grand Rapids that Ferris State utilizes for enterprise level hardware. While they arn't supplying attendees with SANs, Servers, or technically support they are sending some great Grand Rapids swag! Thanks again OptioData!
Psyonix is the developer of the hugely popular game Rocket League. Psyonix have hooked us up with some great swag for the winners of our Rocket League tournament! Thank you Psyonix!
Rosewill is a first time CEG sponsor and is stepping up big for CEGCON2017, providing us with headsets, RGB mechanical keyboards, and a computer case! Thank you Rosewill!
SilverStone has been supporting CEG events for years and we can always count on them to provide us with some great prizes. Thank you SilverStone for sponsoring CEGCON2017!
SteelSeries is once again sponsoring CEG with some great products for prizes. CEGCON marks the 10th consecutive event with SteelSeries as a sponsor. Thank you SteelSeries!
TEAMGROUP is another first time CEG sponsor and has provided us with a lot of swag from USB flash drives and SD cards to RAM and SSDs from their T-Force gaming line! Thank you Team Group!
Transcend is a global brand specializing in memory, storage, and multimedia products. As a first time sponsor Transcend is providing CEGCON2017 with some goody bags of prizes. Thank you Transcend!
Velocity Micro sells an extensive range of specially-designed, custom-built, award-winning products that include gaming desktops, enthusiast PCs, notebooks, professional workstations, servers, and small business solutions. Velocity Micro has once again provided us with some great swag to give away to our attendees. Thank you Velocity Micro!
be quiet! is a premium brand of power supplies, PC cases and cooling solutions for desktop PCs. Consistently the leader in the German PC power supply market since 2007*, be quiet! is one of the most successful PSU brands in Europe. be quiet! have supplied CEG with some great prizes and swag for attendees of CEGCON 2017. Thank you be quiet!
Sloth E-Sports is your destination for sloth'd out competitive style mousepads, e-sports themed gear with a sloth twist, and so much more. Sloth E-Sports have provided us with some sloth pads and other swag for our attendees. Thank you Sloth E-Sports!
By popular demand, the internet's dream of keyboard-shaped waffles is now a reality! The Keyboard Waffle Iron features a one-of-a-kind patented design that makes incredibly fun keyboard shaped waffles. KWI have provided us with one waffle iron to give away and discount coupons for our attendees! Thank you KWI!
Vertagear is a gaming chair manufacturer committed to bringing inspired design and innovative features to gaming products. Vertagear have provided CEG with a special prize for one lucky attendee of CEGCON 2017! Thank you Vertagear!
Ballistix performance memory is designed to give the upper hand to gamers, performance enthusiasts, and overclockers. Ballistix have sponsored CEGCON with some RAM and SSD upgrades for lucky raffle winners! Thank you Ballistix!
EVGA is a manufacturer of GPUs, power supplies, cases, laptops, motherboards, and peripherials. EVGA has sponsored CEGCON with power supplies and mice for our lucky raffle winners! Thank you EVGA!
FirePower Technology is a leader in the design, manufacturing, and distribution of high-performance power conversion solutions for PC Power and industrial power applications. FirePower Technology have supplied CEG with some great prizes and swag for attendees of CEGCON 2017! Thank you FirePower!
11-30-2016 CEGCON2017 "Official" Shirt!
Please visit TeeSpring Campaign "CEGCON2017" to reserve your "Official" CEGCON T-Shirt! For only $21.24 shipped right to your door! Wear it with pride at CEGCON February 4th 2017!
11-30-2016 Announcing CEGCON2017
CEG admins are proud to announce the upcoming CEGCON2017. The event will be held Saturday February 4th, 2017 from 10:00am until 9:00pm in the FSU University Center room UCB200 in Big Rapids, Michigan.
CEGCON is an all-encompassing gaming event with PC, Console, and Tabletop games. CEGCON will gladly accommodate 150+ gamers with an 80 seat BYOC LAN party, and a dedicated Tabletop gaming area run by our good friends at the Big Rapids Board Game Group.
Admission to the Tabletop gaming area is free but there is a $5 charge to reserve a seat in the coveted BYOC area.
All those wishing to participate in the BYOC LAN party must register online prior to the event.
Registration for CEGCON2017 will open at 8:00pm EST on Sunday December 11th, 2016 so get those F5 keys ready!
CEG would like to thank the FSU ITS Department for sponsoring this event and helping us secure the venue!
Official tournaments and sponsors will be announced in the coming weeks.
To stay up to date with what is happening at CEG please connect on our Community Page

9-6-2016 CEG <3 PCPerspective

For those attendees who don't know about PC Perspective, Ryan Shrout and his team provide computer enthusiasts like yourself a great place to see reviews and feedback on much of the hardware you use everyday. They attendee QuakeCon every year and are a great group of guys!!! Check out their website: PC Perspective they have weekly podcasts reviewing hardware and PC accessories. Show them some CEG love!
9-6-2016 Lost In Cyberspace LAN Announcement
Ferris State University's Computer Enthusiast Group would like to welcome everyone back! We have survived the start of the semester and we hope you have as well.
CEG is planning another great LAN party for October 1st 2016 from 10:00am till 10:00pm located in the Arts & Science Commons room 1008 in Big Rapids Michigan for a total of 40 attendees.
Registration will open at 9:00pm EST on September 11th 2016!
Please register at this time as we usually fill up within minutes! (Prepare your F5 keys!)
*The LAN size will be locked at 40 attendees. If you signup and are unable to make it please email [email protected] so that CEG Admin's can remove you from registration and others can sign up.
**We will be starting a wait list on our Facebook Page for those who weren't fast enough.
To stay up to date with what is happening please join/follow our social media pages
CEG will be announcing our "official" tournaments later in the month so keep an eye out for those updates.
4-26-2016 Corsair & SteelSeries Sponsorship

CEG would like to welcome first time sponsorship of Corsair! They are sending some wearable swag for the attendees of the DOOM LAN! Give them a like and specifically send a "Thank you" to George!
Also returning the the sponsorship is one of our long time supporters SteelSeries! They have always provided amazing prizes and swag for our LAN attendees Give them a like and say "Thank you!"
4-6-2016 DOOM Open Beta

3-10-2016 OCZ Sponsorship
CEG is proud to welcome OCZ Storage Solutions as a first time sponsor for the DOOM Release LAN! OCZ Storage Solutions is a global leader in the design and manufacturing of industry-leading solid state drives (SSDs). OCZ was generous enough to provide us with some swag as well as a brand new Trion 150 240GB SSD for one lucky attendee! For more information on OCZ products visit their website here or Facebook page. Be sure to give them a like and thank them for supporting our LAN!

3-10-2016 Gamdias Gaming, CPU Magazine, & OCZ Sponsorship
CEG Admins are happy to announce a brand new Sponsor for the CEG "DOOM" LAN. We would like to welcome Gamdias Gaming to the growing list of sponsors. They specialize in performance gaming hardware with pizazz. Their product line includes headsets, mechanical RGB keyboards, and high end gaming mice! For more information check out their website or their Facebook page link below. Let them know you appreciate them supporting CEG!

CEG would also like to welcome back CPU Magazine! They have always supported PC Gaming and the local LAN parties across the nation! Give them a "Like" on their Facebook page and tell them to keep supporting local LANs!

3-9-2016 Velocity Micro Sponsorship
The good folks over at Velocity Micro are joining the list of sponsors for CEG's "DOOM" LAN! Check out their site if you are interested in purchasing a custom made gaming machine!

2-10-2016 Bethesda & ID Software Support CEG DOOM LAN
Representatives of Bethesda and ID Software have contacted CEG Admins to inform us they are ecstatic we are hosting a DOOM LAN in honor of the release of DOOM!
They wanted to let everyone know they are happy to see a wonderful community of gamers who still get excited about their video games.
CEG would like to give it back so those who have not pre-ordered DOOM please visit the multiple vendors who are offering pre-order copies of DOOM in preparation for this event!
For those of you in the Big Rapids area the local GameStop is taking DOOM pre-orders right now! For those of you outside the Big Rapids area check out your local game store or online to pre-order DOOM!
For more information on DOOM Pre-Orders visit DOOM's website for the most up to date Pre-Order and game information.
Support DOOM by visiting their Facebook page! Twitter page! Instagram page! and YouTube page!
One last thing... CEG Admins want you to know this is one LAN you do not want to miss!!!
2-8-2016 CEG Goes to Hell! CEG DOOM LAN
Grab your shotgun because it's about to get bloody!
CEG is proud to announce our "DOOM LAN" scheduled for May 14th 2016 from 8:00am till 10:00pm in the hellishly warm Arts and Science Commons 1008 in Big Rapids Michigan for a total of 40 attendees.
This LAN is dedicated to the release of DOOM (5-13-2016 / DOOM Steam Vers) we will be dedicating all free play to DOOM.
Official tournaments will be announced on our Facebook group page (CEG Facebook Group) BTW we might throw some Rocket League in there to counter act all the blood tongue emoticon
You can join our official CEG Steam Group to keep track of all your CEG friends (CEG Steam Group)
Registration will open at 9:00pm EST on February 29th 2016!
We hope you enjoy being knee deep in Hell!
1-19-2016 SilverstoneTek, SteelSeries, and Sumo Lounge LAN Sponsorship
CEG Admins would like to welcome and thank the sponsors for the upcoming "El-Nino" swag and prizes! 1 week and counting hope to see you all at the event!!!
1-19-2016 BAWLS GUARANA LAN Sponsorship

CEG would like to again welcome BAWLS GUARANA as a primary sponsor for our upcoming LAN. But this time is different from all other sponsorships. Bawls has provided CEG with 40 cases of beverage to be used for CEG upcoming event and future events.
So here is just a little math for you:
40 cases x 24 cans = 960 cans x 16 fluid ozs = 15,360 fluid ozs / 128 = 120 gallons of wonderful BAWLS beverage!
A HUGE Thank you goes out to Bawls for their support in CEG and Ferris State University. If you'd like to tell them thank you check out their Facebook page.
12-14-2015 CEG "El-Nino" LAN
CEG Admins are proud to announce the CEG "El-Nino" LAN!
LAN Information:
Date: February 6th 2016
Start: 8:00am - Stop: 12:00am (16hrs of LAN FUN!!!)
Where: Arts & Sciences Commons Rm 1008 Big Rapids Michigan 49307
LAN Size: 40 attendees
Prospective LAN Tournaments:
Call of Duty 2 5v5 TDM
Rocket League 3v3
Ultra Street Fighter 4 1v1
Doom Speed Run
*Tournament information will be posted on the website & another announcement email will be sent.
CEG LAN Registration Information:
LAN Registration will open December 20th 2015 @ 1:00pm EST at
*The LAN size will be locked at 40 attendees. If you signup and are unable to make it please email [email protected] so that CEG Admin's can remove you from registration and others can sign up.
We look forward to seeing you all for our Winter LAN.
10-14-2015 Bawls Sponsorship
CEG would like to make a quick last minute announcement... Bawls Guarana as joined our list of sponsors for the Halloween event. They are trying their best to ship the event some of their tasty beverage! CEG would like to thank the great team at Bawls for making it possible for the event to be fully caffeinated!
9-25-2015 SteelSeries Sponsorship
CEG would like to welcome again SteelSeries as a sponsor for the Halloween LAN! SteelSeries has sent 5x Siberia V3 Prism headsets, 5x DeX mouse pads, 4x t-shirts, and 1x 6Gv2 mechanical keyboard. Prizes overwhelming!! Make sure you bring your just don't know what we will be giving away! :)
9-25-2015 SilverStone Sponsorship
CEG would like to welcome again SilverStone as a sponsor for the Halloween LAN! They were gracious to send us a boat load of swag to give away at the event! Thanks again from CEG to SilverStone for being one of our biggest supporters!!!
9-15-2015 CEG Halloween LAN Announcement
Fall is in the air, soon the leaves will be changing colors, the nights will become longer and colder and pumpkin will be in everything from coffee to beer.
Come celebrate the seasons changes with your favorite costume, an ice cold Bawls, and some Halloween themed fun.
Show off your Halloween spirit by participating in the costume contest, try your hand at some of the fun themed tournaments, or just hang out and play some games.
Registration is now open so go grab one of the 40 seats available and stay tuned for more information on sponsors!
7-15-2015 CEG GOES TO QUAKECON 2015!
CEG admins BouvToTheMax, MrKola, PhiladelphiaCollins, Skipperdo, and Fragtastic will be making the yearly pilgrimage to Dallas, TX for QuakeCon 2015! Along with the usual volunteering for Tournament Setup, attending panels, and playing games CEG will also be hosting a tournament or two and raffling off prizes provided by our great friends at SteelSeries and Fractal Design!
Jay will be streaming occasionally throughout the event at:
So tune in for shenanigans and plenty of QuakeLive!
Huge thanks to our two sponsors, if you have some time please give them some love on Facebook, Twitter, youtube, etc:
Fractal Design
Steel Series
6-22-2015 CEG Summer Break LAN Completed
CEG would like to thank all that attended our Summer Break LAN this past weekend. Much fun was had by all in this basement style event. Games like Command & Conquer Red Aler2, Counter Strike GO, Call of Duty 2, DOTA2, Super Smash Bros, and were played! Huge thanks to SteelSeries for sponsoring our LAN with mousepads, headphones, and mice! CEG will be returning this Fall so keep your eyes open for our CEG FALL LAN!
3-23-2015 CEG Summer Break LAN Announcement
Summer break is in full swing and it's already hot outside...You all know what that means! Time to grab a cold Bawls and sit inside the AC for another CEG LAN!!! June 20th ASC1008 FREE Entry 40 Seats Fun Tourneys and STEEL SERIES Sponsorship!

3-23-2015 CEG Winter LAN COMPLETE!!!
The CEG admins would like to personally thank each LAN attendee for attending the Winter LAN and creating the perfect atmosphere for all! We had fun and we hope you did too. We'd like to ask for your support in posting your pictures/comments to the sponsor's Facebook pages to allow us to continue the swag table you all know and love. To view all the event photos view the album here.
Please show your support by "Liking" and commenting on our sponsors Facebook Pages:
1-16-2015:CEG Winter LAN
CEG Admins would like to welcome back the students for Winter/Spring semester! We hope you all enjoyed your break and we are in the process of setting up another LAN for FSU Students. The next upcoming CEG LAN is on March 21st 2015. Registration is OPEN and you can also check our Facebook Event page for more information.
Please show your support by "Liking" and commenting on our sponsors Facebook Pages:

10-2-2014:Welcome Back LAN HUGE Success!
CEG Admins would like to thank all the attendees who made the trip to the LAN! We'd also like to thank our sponsors Steel Series, Fractal Design, and QuakeLive for sponsoring some awesome SWAG. We have posted pictures of the event here in LAN Pictures.
Please show your support by "Liking" and commenting on our sponsors Facebook Pages:
CEG LAN was also privileged to have some Bawls Chugging with 6 time QuakeCon Bawls Chugging Champion "KenCo12" vs "BurgerTimeBilly" You be the judge on who chugged the fastest.